id: 9npvch

Let's send Sam Karugu to Jogja Noise Bombing Festival in Indonesia

Let's send Sam Karugu to Jogja Noise Bombing Festival in Indonesia

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I’ll keep it short. We’ve run into a common PotU - Problem of the Underground. We have a killer project, but it’s too underground to find funding for it anywhere at all. 

Sam Karugu from Kenyan electro grindcore band Duma was invited to Jogja nOise Bombing Festival in Jogjakarta, Indonesia - a gateway into the vibrant noise scene of the South Eastern Asia. But JNB, being a noise festival, is an event so underground that it rarely peeks out to the surface, so they’re unable to fund bringing the artist all the way from Nairobi. 

We tried private sponsors, institutions, embassies, but with no luck. We don’t have enough millionaires in Kenya to find solution by simply simping on one. Hence we ask y’all to chip in.

Sam will stay in Jogja for 4 weeks, first during the Jogja Noise Bombing Festival, later another 3 weeks oriented on collaboration with the artists from the roster of JNB and Yes No Wave - another legendary Indonesian label.

The costs that we seek to cover are:

  • plane tickets (Nairobi - Jakarta - Nairobi) - 680 USD
  • train tickets (Jakarta - Jogjakarta) - 50 USD
  • Indonesian visa - 70 USD 
  • food (4 weeks) - 250 USD
  • accommodation (3 weeks) - 250 USD


Everyone who helps will receive a link to not ONE, not TWO, not THREE, not FOUR, but... SIX unreleased tunes of Sammy's.

Also, check the CUSTOM TSHIRT offer below.

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Es gibt noch keine Beschreibung.


Angebote/auktionen 1

Kaufen, Unterstützen.

Kaufen, Unterstützen. Mehr lesen

Erstellt vom Organisator:
Fashion • Other
Custom T-shirt with your nickname (if you fancy)
After the residency is over we will release a short run of T-shirts with a graphic that will summarise the experience of Sam's residency and include n...
65 €

Verkauft: 3 von 30



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2500 Zeichen