id: 8p5nhk

Help a student in Spain accomplish his dream !!

Help a student in Spain accomplish his dream !!

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Hey there!!!!

A pleasure to meet you.

I am Robert. 25 years old, from Dominican Republic. Right now I'm studying in Spain, pursuing a Master's Degree in Renewable Energy in Cartagena, Murcia.

That aside, I consider myself a certain type of ambivert hehe, fan of music, Nintendo, traveling, meeting places, people and cultures. In regards to my professional path, you can check my LinkedIn profile to see in what projects I have worked as of now.

I'm doing this due to a personal dream of meeting and nurturing myself with what was outside of my country. And I've been working hard to do so. This, along with my desire to support a cause of creating a better and more sustainable world for our future, made me decide to take the risk. And, it has been worth it so far. But along with the time passing, it has become way more difficult.

I've been fighting to get a job in order to cover the tuition fees and my personal expenses (food and rent),with little to no success. And my funds are over to continue paying. So, I request for your help so I can pay what's left or pending of the degree, along with some help for food coverage and pay my rent and services for some months during my stay here.

My goal is of EU$4500 aprox. That would be enough to pay for some months of rent and of the tuition. Expressing my most sincere thank you to anyone that supports my cause, and promising that it will be worth it.

Promise to be the best engineer out there, providing innovative solutions and tactics for a better world for us and the people that are coming next.

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2500 Zeichen
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