id: 5vewga

For publishing children picture book

For publishing children picture book

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Dear friends

I am collecting funds for printing my first children book.

The book is named Luna and Remi discover the world. The story is about two kittens that got on this world, and how they cope with world around them.

The story is about life with some sad parts in story just like a real life too.

First book in series is already finished – the story is done, ilustations are done (one ilustation is shown here as a cover for a book, and another to see that ilustations are following story).

The book is planned as a series of books with second one half finished and the third one is on a way.

So the only thing remained is to print the first book and that is it. So that is why I am collecting funds here.

The book will be published in English and Croatian language.

Thank you.

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Angebote/auktionen 1

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Erstellt vom Organisator:
For children • Children's books • Fairy tales
Picture book
Every donator will get a copy of children book after it is published for the minimum cost of 4euro for postage. Book will be published in Croatian and...

4 €



2500 Zeichen
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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