id: 4ct8cd

Hello ! I urgently ask for financial help, worth at least twenty-four thousand euros. I have to pay this money by the end of 2024 to save four hectares of alpine fir forest from deforestation. Together we can!

Hello ! I urgently ask for financial help, worth at least twenty-four thousand euros. I have to pay this money by the end of 2024 to save four hectares of alpine fir forest from deforestation. Together we can!

Wofür werden sie heute spenden sammeln?
*Betrag ausgedrückt in Euro auf der Grundlage des gewichteten Durchschnittskurses der Spenden in allen Währungen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auch unter


We are a family of four, two adults and two children. We decided to save five thousand hectares of mountain forest and preserve it in an ecological park. For this, we have dedicated all our energy and financial resources. The first step has been taken and we have already saved ten hectares of alpine vegetation. Another four hectares are in urgent danger of deforestation. We save them!

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Es gibt noch keine Beschreibung.


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Noch keine spenden, spenden sie als erster!

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2500 Zeichen
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