id: 2cjufe

Buy a new printer for local library

Buy a new printer for local library

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*Betrag ausgedrückt in Euro auf der Grundlage des gewichteten Durchschnittskurses der Spenden in allen Währungen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auch unter


Hrllo. We need a new printer for our local library so the readers can print out or copy the relevant informations for them. Our goal is to buy an used color copier from the BizHub series of Konika Minolta. They go around 1000 euros and we only managed to save around 300 euros. When and if we gould get another 800 euros, we will be able to purchase the printer and a full set of toners fo it.

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2500 Zeichen
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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