id: 2d7yyx

Our dream: housing for young people.

Our dream: housing for young people.

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  • Any help is appreciated. Every contribution is sincerely appreciated.

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    Ľubomíra Chromá • 11.01.2025 17:33 The young people - They certainly deserve it. Any help is appreciated. Every contribution is sincerely appreciated.


    Ľubomíra Chromá • 09.01.2025 21:47

    Oni - naši mladí ľudia - si to určite zaslúžia. Budú veľmi vďační.

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Our dream: housing for young people in difficult financial times.

I am 62 years old. My whole life has always been characterized by altruism - selfless service to other people, a willingness to sacrifice for the good of others.

Now I need help for our young people, which I cannot manage on my own (due to the fact that I am on disability pension). And that is why I now believe in the good of other people who read this, and who also know how it feels: to give, to give to someone, to be willing to help others. We will also be grateful for a contribution of €5. Thank you very much for your contributions and donations, so that in these times of expensive housing and low salaries for young people, it will be possible for them to get independent housing of their own. Thank you very much.

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Dobročinnosť a Darcovstvo. Každý náš prispievateľ €5000 je vítaný na svadbe našich mladých ako guest of honor.

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Pozvanie na svadbu - guest of honor
Dobročinnosť a Darcovstvo. Každý náš prispievateľ €5000 je vítaný na svadbe našich mladých ako guest of honor

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