Help Guci recover from reconstruction
Help Guci recover from reconstruction
of €1,700
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I'm Gufi but I don't respond to that name - call me Gucio because that's what I like ☺.

I am 7 years old and I am a miniature spitz who struggles with health ailments.

I was the last of the litter and because of my congenital defects no one wanted me ☹ ☹.

I ended up in a home and I am looked after by my dear lady ☺

On a daily basis I am a very lively and energetic dog but my health does not allow me to function freely, enjoy life and walks ☹

I have an underdeveloped lower jaw which resulted in 6 teeth having to be removed to allow me to take food and all treats

I also have breathing problems - I snore terribly and do not let my lady sleep at night because she has to get up and give me inhalations !

The reason is my tongue is too long and makes it difficult for me to breathe ☹.


I was diagnosed with a 2nd degree patellar dislocation in my left and right paw... I can't walk, run, play with my dogs.

Because I keep going to consultations, appointments, examinations until today when I stopped walking because the cruciate ligaments broke.

I have heard the verdict - surgery required!!!!!

...plastic surgery and stabilisation of the joint - insertion of titanium implants

And it happened...I am over - and now 2 urgent operations ☹ ☹ ☹.


I have to have my gallbladder removed because I'm returning food and having hurts terribly!

They are also going to shorten my jaw, thicken my tongue and do plastic surgery on my palate! I'm going to be able to breathe now and finally let the lady sleep ☺

Gosh...but very big costs are keeping me - now 2 surgeries 7000 zl and afterwards follow-up visits, removal of stitches and low-fat diet

I am already after the surgery !!!

But unfortunately I have very big complications after the operation.... I have an excessively shortened palate ... I heard another JUDGMENT !!! I will have a probe inserted :(

They are saving me but I also have to help my lady to pay for everything .... cost about 7000 zl :(

I whoop at night, take antibiotics and have to be at the clinic every day for drip administration. It is very expensive ...

Please help me to regain full fitness and raise funds to regain my health !

Many thanks in advance to everyone who helps me ☺



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of €1,700
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