id: ytma6b

Reparatii dentare / Dental repair

Reparatii dentare / Dental repair

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Original Romanian text translated into English

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Numele meu e Razvan si am 24 ani. Din pacate, din cauza mai multor factori si accidente nefericite, am ajuns la aceasta varsta sa am probleme grave cu dantura. Desi sunt angajat, nu imi permit inca sa platesc tratamentul. Acesta va costa, probabil, mai mult de 2000 Euro, dar fix de suma aceasta am nevoie pentru a face o operatie cu laser foarte importanta, caci gingia se retrage si au inceput sa apara infectiile. Totul devine foarte dureros, imi este foarte dificil sa mananc.

My name is Razvan and I'm 24 years old. Unfortunately, due to various factors and unlucky accidents, I've come to this age to bear huge problems with my danture. Although I am employed, I cannot afford to pay the treatment yet. It will cost, most probably, more than 2000 Euros, but I only need this amount for a laser surgery, my gummy is going back and the infections started to kick in. It became very painful, and I have a hard time eating.

PayPal: @baranguta

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