id: x5fhn4

Let's all help Galati. 🙏

Let's all help Galati. 🙏

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Original Romanian text translated into English

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Humanitarian appeal!


Humanitarian appeal for people affected by floods

People in Galati are in urgent need of non-perishable food, bottled water, blankets, clothes, shoes, hygiene products and medicines, disposable nappies for children and the elderly, detergents, etc

Dozens of families have had to leave their homes, leaving behind everything they have built up over the years. The floods have isolated entire communities, leaving many people without access to food, drinking water and medical care.

The situation is critical and now, more than ever, our solidarity is needed. The support of each and every one of us is needed to overcome this difficult moment and to start the reconstruction process.

How little from everyone🙏

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