id: x3adez

Online vállalkozás indítás! Online business startup!

Online vállalkozás indítás! Online business startup!


I want to create an online business, but I can't do it on my own. My plan is to build a secure life and support people who want to change their lives. Thank you everyone for the donations!

Online vállalkozást szeretnék alapítani, de egyedül nem tudom megcsinálni. A tervem az, hogy biztonságos életet építsek, és támogassam azokat, akik változtatni akarnak az életükön. Köszönjük mindenkinek az adományokat!

There is no description yet.

There is no description yet.

Benefits of a recurring donations:
The Organiser receives 100% of your funds - we do not charge any fee
You remain in full control - you can stop the support at any time without any obligations
The Organiser can fully focus on his work
You get permanent access to posts and a special distinction
You don't have to remember about the next payments
It's easier than you think :)


Download apps
Download the mobile app and fundraise for your goal wherever you are!
Download the mobile app and fundraise for your goal wherever you are!


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