id: wzdbfk

Otwarcie Radia Online Lukas Frankenstein

Otwarcie Radia Online Lukas Frankenstein

Original Polish text translated into English

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Original Polish text translated into English

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🤔Do you enjoy listening to and watching programmes, broadcasts that carry valuable content with the provision of valuable knowledge, tips, advice, news, tips for you?

🤠 Hi!

Who am I? 🤔

✅ History degree by education

✅ Owner of a Polish publishing house 📚🇵🇱 in Holandii🇳🇱, where I have lived for ten years.

✅ Independent journalist🎤📸 registered at

✅ Pisarzem✏️, poet, member of:

1. the Association of Polish Writers Abroad from London: https: //

2. Dutch Society of Authors: https: //

✅ Lover of blues, rock, country and other good music 🎸.

🎙️🎧 Additionally, I interview interesting people from time to time in my podcast The World Through Your Eyes, which you can listen to on:

👉 Spotify: https://open.spotify .com/show/0XX7wutljXjD2oPovZNLQU?si=55a638dccfa245b3

👉 Apple Podcast: https: //

👉 YouTube Music:

🛡️ The fifth archivist of the Przelaskowski family of Szreniawa coat of arms,

🍀 You can find more about me on the publisher's website in the BIOGRAPHY section, you are welcome.


💡What is my goal that gives you the opportunity to use my knowledge, experience and passion including the development of the company?

📲 I am currently planning to open 🎙️Radio online Lukas Frankenstein🎧.

📡 It will be a Polish-language radio, but over time English-language programmes will also be created to increase the reach and reach with a stronger message in the broadcasts.

🤠These are my first and trial drafts of the programmes, which are streamed live online every week from Monday to Friday after 8pm on:

👉 TikToku - lukasprzelaskowski (9,300 obs.):

👉 YouTube - Through the writer's eye (1230 subs.)*:

*The number of TikTok followers and YouTube subscribers shown is as of 10 March 2025 and growing every day. 🤠

📡 Frame:**

⭐️ 1. Monday - there was an RPG, but I'm working on a new broadcast

⭐️ 2. Tuesday, 8pm - Search for Noble Names and Coats of Arms

⭐️ 3. Wednesday, 8 p.m. - Cosmos and Its Mysteries

⭐️ 4. Thursday, g. 20:00 - Innovative Inventions

⭐️ 5. Friday, at 20:00 - Social Media News

**Previous broadcasts available on YouTube Playlist - Through the Eye of the Writer

💚 The most popular programmes will be placed in the radio frame, where there will be many more with topics ranging from kitchen recipes to coverage of music festivals or car and motorbike racing circuits.

❤️ I invite you to support the opening of Radio Online Lukas Frankenstein, whose regular subscription or one-off amounts will go towards, among other things:

💰 Buying a music licence in the Netherlands/Netherlands and paying for it

💰 Purchase of a radio licence, which must be paid for monthly or annually and includes a whole host of extras, such as the ability to create a radio page, purchase storage space for music and other sounds, recordings for the radio and the addition of apps for Android and iOS so that everyone can listen online in the car, tram, train, outdoors or in clubs and restaurants.

💰 Buying a mixer to control the volume with microphones, headphones and songs played or interviews conducted.

💰 Buying a desktop computer for the studio and a laptop for field work, and for these monitors, keyboards, mice, cables, adapters, memory cards and hard drives, CD/DVD drive/recorder, extension cables, microphones for studio and field work, headphones, chargers,

💰 Buying equipment for the radio including desks, soundproofing panels, microphone stands and monitors

💰 Buying thousands of music albums in CD form and buying access to online music databases. - There is no one common one.

💰 Internet and electricity billing

💰 Buying a car for the radio and maintaining it to be able to pack up the equipment and drive to important celebrations, concerts, festivals, other events, and there to prepare interviews, reports for the newsroom and for given programmes.

💰 Buying a drone to consolidate the recorded material as the radio station will also publish footage from places it visits or is invited to.

💰 Monthly or annual fees for various programmes for sound editing, video editing, photo correction, article preparation

💰 Fees for accommodation and food including fuel on field trips

💰 Buying company phones - a landline and a smartphone in order to, for example, communicate with various listeners live.

💰 Hiring more specialists over time, e.g. editors for programmes, technicians for equipment operation, i.e. delegating tasks for further development of the radio station

💰 In the beginning the radio will be run from home, but over time during the development there will be a need to rent or buy premises/building and prepare it accordingly.

❤️ Thank you in advance for any support, sharing the video further, liking, favourable comments.

🤠 Łukasz Przelaskowski

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