id: wredcb

Gaming setup, life long dream for 10 years to be able to get a decent gaming setup.

Gaming setup, life long dream for 10 years to be able to get a decent gaming setup.

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A few years ago, gaming was more than just a hobby for me—it was my sanctuary, a way to connect with friends and escape the challenges of life. Unfortunately, life took an unexpected turn when a close family member fell gravely ill. I had to put everything on hold, including my gaming passion, to care for them. Over time, my setup became outdated, and I had to sell most of my equipment to help cover medical expenses. My gaming community drifted away, and the joy I once found in playing with friends slowly faded.

Now, after years of dedicating myself to my family, my loved one is finally on the path to recovery. However, I’ve lost touch with a part of myself that once brought me so much happiness and comfort. I’m looking to rebuild my gaming setup, not just for the games, but to reconnect with the friendships I’ve missed and reclaim a piece of the joy I had to set aside.

This fundraiser is about more than just equipment; it’s about healing, reconnecting, and finding a way back to something that made me feel whole. Your support would mean the world to me as I take this step toward bringing a little light back into my life.

Thank you for anything you can give—every little bit helps.

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