33rd GOCC Finale. We play for paediatric oncology and haematology
33rd GOCC Finale. We play for paediatric oncology and haematology
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Original German text translated into English
Original German text translated into English
As Stab WOSP Edewecht in Jeddeloh 1 we play for the foundation "Wielka Orkiestra Swiatecznej Pomocy" (WOSP; in German - "das große Orchester der Weihnachtshilfe"). The aim of this year's WOSP finale is to raise money to support paediatric oncology and haematology.
The plan is to purchase medical equipment for:
- Paediatric oncological surgery - such as robots , cystoscopes ultrasound suction devices and mobile digital x-ray machines.
- Oncological diagnostics, including: Magnetic brain mapping equipment, MRI- magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound equipment
- Pathomorphology, including intraoperative tomography equipment, tissue processors, scanners for histopathological specimens
- Hospices, including oxygen concentrators, anti-decubitus mattresses
The 33rd finale of the Great Orchestra of the Christmas Charity of our staff will take place on 26 January 2025 in the premises of the Jeddeloh Mitte local citizens' association. You can expect a lovely family party with live music, children's games, Polish delicacies and, of course, live auctions.

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1 €