Wesprzyj 33 Finał WOŚP Berlin / Support the 33rd finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity
Wesprzyj 33 Finał WOŚP Berlin / Support the 33rd finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity
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Original Polish text translated into English
Original Polish text translated into English
This is where you can THANK US to your heart's content! Right now, please visit ❤️. We will accept any amount, because we are collecting again for the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, which will play for us for the 33rd time. This year we are playing for paediatric oncology and haematology!
For the safety and health of children!
The goal of the 33rd WOŚP Finale: We play for paediatric oncology and haematology!
Join us and support our fundraising for the 33rd WOSP Finale!
The Berlin GOCC Staff, which operates once again at the Polish School Association Oświata in Berlin, is made up of fantastic, very committed people who have been supporting the GOCC Foundation for years. The Foundation needs no introduction :)
Hier kannst du uns UNTERSTÜTZEN, WAS DAS ZEUG HÄLT! Wir laden euch jetzt schon herzlich dazu ein ❤️. Jeder Betrag ist gern gesehen, da wir erneut für das Große Orchester der Weihnachtshilfe sammeln, welches dieses Jahr bereits das 33. Mal für uns spielt. Wir spielen für die pädiatrische Onkologie und Hämatologie! Thema des 33. WOŚP Grand Finale ist die Sicherheit
and Gesundheit von Kindern.
Das Berliner WOŚP-Team, welches ein weiteres Mal anhand des Polnischen Schulvereins "Oświata" in Berlin agiert, ist eine fantastische, unglaublich engagierte Gruppe an Menschen, welche seit Jahren WOŚP unterstützt. Mach mit!
Over here you can SUPPORT US right away! You're already welcome to do so ❤️. We're thankful for every single amount, since once again we're collecting donations for the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity. This year will already be our 33nd year playing, collecting and changing the lives of less fortunate people. We play for children's oncology and haematology! Kids, stay safe and sound!
The Berlin GOCC staff, which once again acts under the Polish school association "Oświata" in Berlin, is a team of fantastic, incredibly committed people who have been supporting the GOCC for years.
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Offers/auctions 2
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Current price
90 €
Number of bidders: 5
Current price
10 €
Number of bidders: 2