id: vgsj2s

For Roma children

For Roma children

Original Slovenian text translated into English

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Original Slovenian text translated into English

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We invite you to contribute to a better future for Roma children by making a donation to the "Stand Up, Roma Child" association. Your donation will help fund education, health care, cultural activities and other important projects that improve the lives of these children. Together, we can ensure that Roma children have the opportunities and support they need for a bright future.

Thank you for your generosity and support!

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The Organiser receives 100% of your funds - we do not charge any fee
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The Organiser can fully focus on his work
You get permanent access to posts and a special distinction
You don't have to remember about the next payments
It's easier than you think :)


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Comments 2

2500 characters
  • Matej Domijan

    Vsak 1€ nam pride prav! Vaša donacija društvu "Vstani, Romski Otrok" bo pomagala pri financiranju izobraževanja, kulturnih dejavnosti in drugih pomembnih projektov, ki izboljšujejo življenje romskih otrok. Skupaj lahko zagotovimo boljšo prihodnost za vse naše otroke. 💖

  • Matej Domijan

    Vsak 1€ nam pride prav! Vaša donacija društvu "Vstani, Romski Otrok" bo pomagala pri financiranju izobraževanja, kulturnih dejavnosti in drugih pomembnih projektov, ki izboljšujejo življenje romskih otrok. Skupaj lahko zagotovimo boljšo prihodnost za vse naše otroke. 💖