id: v4p5x6

Lufi’s cancer removal surgery

Lufi’s cancer removal surgery

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*Amount expressed in euros based on the weighted average rate of donations made in all currencies. For further details also visit


Dear Everyone,

This Christmas I’m asking you to help us save Lufi.

This lovely little lady shown on the pictures is Lufi, one of our dogs, and while you don’t know much about her, she’s a lot more to us than just a dog; she’s a member of our family, my childhood friend who helped me through a lot, and our last staple to Darina, her soulmate, who we lost on 14th august, 2022.

9iSsfL5cu6W9zlTA.jpgNot too long after Darina’s death, Lufi was diagnosed with mammary cancer on both sides. Around 50% of mammary tumors in dogs are malignant, so even though she is pretty active and doesn’t seem to be in pain, she’s also in desperate need of surgery.

While we are constantly trying to get in a better financial state (and also treating Lufi’s brother who has heartworms), we currently cannot afford the surgeries to remove Lufi’s cancer. This is why I’m asking for your help. 

300 000 HUF would cover all of her vet bills, and if there was any money left, we’d either spend that on her brother’s heartworm treatment, or donate it to one of the animal shelters here in Hungary. 

Any amount helps a lot, but even if you’re unable to donate, sharing is appreciated.

Thank you in advance! 💕


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Donations 5

User unregistered
15 €
User unregistered
2 €
User unregistered
5 €
100 €
10 €


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