id: hkjhnd

A paradise to save

A paradise to save

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*Amount expressed in euros based on the weighted average rate of donations made in all currencies. For further details also visit


  • vnBl0oZWIjJXydJs.jpg

    Gabriele mise questa targa, nel lontano 2010, nel muro di fianco all'entrata della cantina, come simbolo di continuità, buona fortuna, di felicità, di novità. Contentissimo di ciò che si stava creando, e che sarebbero stati anni duri si, ma pieni di bei momenti, di familiarità e amore.

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Champagnole is the home of Anna and her son Gioele's farm, which the owner Gianni Gabriele, who died leaving an unbridgeable void, had intended to deed to them, out of a promise and a dream of continuity, of his land, his hard work and his passion.

Anna and her son risked having the company they had worked in for over 15 years taken away from them, in favour of some large competing company.

To prevent this, that this promise, this dream, be broken, we need to find 130,000 euros, to buy this land and continue the work of passion and love for the vines, which they have sworn to protect, in respect of the wishes of the late Gabriele, who had chosen with love and friendship, Anna and her son Gioele, as heirs, for their dedication to these vineyards, as he had.

Come and visit Anna in this little paradise: five minutes, a chat with her and Gioele and a glass of their wine will be enough to make you realise that this is not just a farm, but a special place, which must be protected.

We ask anyone who can and wants to, a lot of sharing and a little support, to save this little paradise.

NB: if we fail to raise the preset amount, any contribution will be returned to the donor automatically

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Donations 65

Patrizia Aloe
200 €
Sara Martin
200 €
User unregistered
20 €
Serena Giuliato
10 €
Rossella Montagono
Pascale Rouvreau
100 €
100 €
20 €
10 €
20 €
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Comments 4

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  • LI

    C'è la farete, forza! 💕

    100 €
  • NP
    Natalina Perron

    Quando si mette Amore per quello in cui si crede, i miracoli avvengono 😃❤️🙏🏻 forza Anna e Gioele 😘

    100 €
    Anonymous user

    Forza Anna 🥰❤️

  • Sandra Migliaccio

    Forza Anna e Gioele, i sogni diventano realtà quando ci crediamo veramente ❤️

    100 €