Search and Rescue Vehicle
Search and Rescue Vehicle
What will you fundraise for today?
Help us to provide life saving support in rural Romania!
We are a Romanian non-profit organization that provides search and rescue
services in the rural areas of Romania/Moldova. The organization consists
of skilled volunteers and experienced professionals, which put their free
time and money in serving the ones in need.
SARS Romania provided their services in case of natural- and other
disasters like the heavy floods in Moldova (2010, 2024), forest fires, mountain
rescue, collapsed buildings etc. Unfortunately the financial situation in
Romania doesn't allow for large investments to support life saving
projects, as government funding is virtually non-existent. Therefore we
bring in our own capital to provide as much help when we can, where we
So why do we need help?
We are supported by a lot of experienced personnel from all kinds of fields
(doctors, search dog trainers, military personnel, mountaineers, etc)
though we can't afford the purchase of a vehicle that is capable of
handling the rural roads of the Romanian Carpathians, Retezat and other hard
to reach locations. We are in desperate need of a vehicle which can get a
search team into a hit area as soon as possible, as in cases of mud slides
and avalanches - all seconds count! In the 16 years that we are active we
already invested all of our personal capital in the purchase of life
saving first aid equipment, stretchers, climbing and diving
equipment. As much as it hurts our pride, we are forced to call upon the
public to make sure we can continue what we are doing.
How are we going to do it?
The plan is to raise €12.000,- to purchase and maintain a 2nd hand pick-up
truck. We won't invest in a new vehicle as the depreciation of a new
pick-up would be a giant waste of resources. Instead we choose to invest
it in maintaining, fueling and repairing a rugged (and proven) Toyota
Hilux. The parts are easily to come by, which can be tricky with newer
models and it provides sufficient space to transport supplies and possible
casualties. The pick-up will be fitted with first aid equipment (including
a stretcher, neck braces etc), urban search and rescue (USAR) gear, diving
equipment and climbing gear.
We appreciate every penny and will make sure it comes to good use. With
your help we'll be able to fill the needs in the rural areas, where people
are still dying every week because help is simply too late. If you are not
able to spare some money, please feel free to support us by sharing this
on social media or by providing medical supplies (bandaging material,
first aid kits, foldable splints, used stretchers etc), rescue gear or
other things that can support our group.
Vă mulțumim pentru ajutor!

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