id: tcyhbz

Blind Wojtek fights against international company to reclaim millions lost by thousands of clients and workers

Blind Wojtek fights against international company to reclaim millions lost by thousands of clients and workers

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I have been blind for many years, but I can see the injustice around. I am not asking for money for myself, but for a large group of people harmed in year 2024 by the actions of a well known international company. Tens of thousands of clients treated like garbage. Female employees with young children deprived of mandatory contributions for social insurance. Women and men stripped of the money and rights they have honestly earned. Millions in debts and the burden of enormous tax arrears. And the company proclaims in the media its success and the preservation of what matters most to it.

These people are fighting for justice. They need financial support to pay for lawyers and court proceedings to prove to the perpetrators of their misfortune that vile behavior cannot and will not be tolerated. They want to reclaim their stolen rights and sense of self-worth.

Let's show that this is our land. That in a united Europe, we are equals. That there is no place here for harming mothers and their children, for the exploitation of the weaker by the stronger, or for the exploitation of working women by men in white collars. I appeal to all people of goodwill, in Europe and all over the world, to social organizations, the media, and those in power – help them find justice. Help them regain their dignity.

Legal analyses indicate that it is possible, but due to the significant cost, financial support is needed. I believe we will succeed.

Notarized documents presenting details of the case have been submitted to the portal. Details that could identify the company have been removed from the fundraising description due to legal requirements and ongoing or planned court proceedings. All collected funds wiil be used to help these harmed people.

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