id: rh69kp

Money for food and medicine for homeless animals.

Money for food and medicine for homeless animals.


Kallid sõbrad, kuna mul on märtsis sünnipäev, siis mõtlesin, et selle aseme, et mind õnnitleda, palun annetage Kiisudele, kes vajavad krõbinaid, konserve ja liiva.

MTÜ Pätude Kodu EE967700771008947850 Dear friends, since my birthday is in March, I thought that instead of congratulating me, please donate to Kitties in need of crackers, canned goods, and sand.

MTÜ Pätude Kodu EE967700771008947850

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There is no description yet.

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Electronics & Music • Others
smart watch
smartwatch new, golden, pedometer, can listen to music, take pictures,

59 €

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smart watch new, gold, every 100 donors.

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