id: puv2y3

Restoration of the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes in Zagreb

Restoration of the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes in Zagreb

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We support the "1 euro 10 poruka" campaign to complete the construction of the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes.

Poruku i zamolbu za dononacijom od 1 euro ili više proslijedite na 10 ili više your friends/friends te time postanite dio velike obitelji doborovitelja Sanctuary za koju franjevci Majke Boje Boje Lurdske svakodnevno modlitle.

About the project for the construction of the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes

In the same part of the city of Zagreb, today in the centre of the city, the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes is located in the monastery of the Franciscan Province of the Most Holy Redeemer with its seat in Split.

At the prayer of the Archbishop of Zagreb, Blessed Aloysius Stepinac, the Franciscans started in 1935 the work on the construction of the church, which will serve as a parish church. The crypt of the church, designed by the architect Jože Plečnik, was built and blessed in 1939. As the Second World War's troubles came to an end, so did the renovation of the "upper" church.

The radios were set up during 1970/71, when the church was built, or unfortunately its interior has never been decorated. The Provincial Administration decided to complete this unfinished project at the beginning of the 21st century, and this is where the necessary permissions for further construction were finally obtained, according to the project documentation of the architect Igor Gojnik.

The design of the church is based on the idea of Our Lady of Lourdes, whose mantle envelops the entire surface of the church and all those who come near it.

The "1 euro 10 poruka" campaign

Ovom akcijom "1 euro 10 poruka" pokrećemo projektu prikupljanja sredstava za dovršetak ovoga projekt kao i plaćanje pristiglih finanscijskih obligza.

By donating 1 euro and sending this donation to 10 of your friends, you will become part of our great charity for which the brothers of this monastery pray daily, and also in the 19th century of glory and in the world bowl at the tomb of the Servant of God, Friar Ante Antić.

Thank you for your support and encouragement. Together we can create a dream and complete a project that is certainly worthwhile.

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Donations 91

Rovinj Advisor Vedran Ilakovac
100 €
Jakov Matkovic Spalato
100 €
50 €
User unregistered
100 €
Monika Šapina
100 €
Neven Nakić
300 €
Tamara Lipić
100 €
Jasmina Trupković
100 €
Monika Pavlović Grabovac
100 €
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