id: p834b8

Mobiles Kasperltheater

Mobiles Kasperltheater

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I have been performing with the Amadeus puppet theatre in Lower Austria for many years. For 1.5 years I have had my own set of beautiful wooden puppets. This enables me to perform on a puppet stage in Bad Erlach and also on a stage I built myself in the library in the centre of Wiener Neustadt in 2024.

But of course Punch and Judy and his friends should also be able to go on tour! :-) This requires a stage that is robust enough for outdoor use, can be folded small enough to fit into a car and, of course, doesn't take too long to set up or dismantle.

These stages are produced in England. They can be set up in just a few minutes and are stable enough to withstand even the wind on beaches. And that's exactly the kind of stage that's coming to Wiener Neustadt! :-)

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Offers/auctions 2

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Tickets & Vouchers • Theatre
Kasperl Vorführung -25% Gutschein
Der Kasperl und ich komme zu in deiner Veranstaltung, in deinen Kindergarten, zu dir nachhause oder wohin auch immer!* Ob Indoor oder Outdoor, ob 10 o...
50 €

Available 20 pcs.

Tickets & Vouchers • Theatre
Kasperl Vorführung -50% Gutschein
Der Kasperl und ich komme zu in deiner Veranstaltung, in deinen Kindergarten, zu dir nachhause oder wohin auch immer!* Ob Indoor oder Outdoor, ob 10 o...
100 €

Available 15 pcs.

Donations 1

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