id: f5ve9y

Cranial reconstruction surgery (craniosynthesis)

Cranial reconstruction surgery (craniosynthesis)

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*Amount expressed in euros based on the weighted average rate of donations made in all currencies. For further details also visit


My name is Alexandru, father of Mattias, a little boy recently diagnosed with craniostenosis. We have to go to America, Dallas, Texas for skull surgery. Because of the bones that have fused incorrectly, he may lose his sight completely, or his brain may be damaged due to insufficient space in the skull and he may remain a "vegetable". Mattias is 1 year and 8 months old, very intelligent and we want him to have a normal life, only with your help he can have that chance !

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Donations 57

2000 €
User unregistered
20 €
Hidden data
20 €
Ioan Timis
5 €
Hidden data
20 €
Dascalu Marius
20 €
Laslea Alexandru
50 €
Laslea Ileana
100 €
Popa Corina
50 €
User unregistered
30 €
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