Odkryj tajemnice Genewy i wybierz się na spacer z historykiem Krystyną Géigné, która mieszka tutaj od 40 lat i zna miasto od podszewki. To świetny sposób, żeby poznać lepiej miejsce, w którym mieszkasz lub ciekawa propozycja dla gości z Polski.
Discover the secrets of Geneva and take a walk with historian Krystyna Géigné, who has lived there for 40 years and knows the city inside out. A great way to better know the place you live or an interesting suggestion for guests from Poland.
Bids and comments 12
Final price
95 €
Number of bidders: 6
Final price
125 €
Number of bidders: 6
Final price
50 €
Number of bidders: 2
Final price
55 €
Number of bidders: 4
Final price
140 €
Number of bidders: 7
Final price
55 €
Number of bidders: 4
Final price
50 €
Number of bidders: 4
Final price
56 €
Number of bidders: 4
Final price
50 €
Number of bidders: 4
Final price
22 €
Number of bidders: 3
Final price
20 €
Number of bidders: 2
Final price
70 €
Number of bidders: 5
Final price
75 €
Number of bidders: 5
Final price
72 €
Number of bidders: 6
There are currently no other offers on this fundraiser.
Spacer po Genewie z przewodnikiem
Final price
65 €
Number of bidders: 7
Odkryj tajemnice Genewy i wybierz się na spacer z historykiem Krystyną Géigné, która mieszka tutaj od 40 lat i zna miasto od podszewki. To świetny sposób, żeby poznać lepiej miejsce, w którym mieszkasz lub ciekawa propozycja dla gości z Polski.
Discover the secrets of Geneva and take a walk with historian Krystyna Géigné, who has lived there for 40 years and knows the city inside out. A great way to better know the place you live or an interesting suggestion for guests from Poland.
Bids and comments 12
Additional information
Gramy dla hematologii i onkologii dzieciecej- Sztab WOŚP Genewa
Log in , to write a message to the person issuing the offer.
Pickup in person
See on map
Final price
95 €
Number of bidders: 6
Final price
125 €
Number of bidders: 6
Final price
50 €
Number of bidders: 2
Final price
55 €
Number of bidders: 4
Final price
140 €
Number of bidders: 7
Final price
55 €
Number of bidders: 4
Final price
50 €
Number of bidders: 4
Final price
56 €
Number of bidders: 4
Final price
50 €
Number of bidders: 4
Final price
22 €
Number of bidders: 3
Final price
20 €
Number of bidders: 2
Final price
70 €
Number of bidders: 5
Final price
75 €
Number of bidders: 5
Final price
72 €
Number of bidders: 6
There are currently no other offers on this fundraiser.