id: nrxzzv

Help for pets

Help for pets


We are 15 cats and 5 dogs, all rescued by our human. Our human takes great care of us from many years, but now he has difficult times.

We need food and medical care....

Our bowls are empty...

Please help our human to take care of us!

There is no description yet.

There is no description yet.

Benefits of a recurring donations:
The Organiser receives 100% of your funds - we do not charge any fee
You remain in full control - you can stop the support at any time without any obligations
The Organiser can fully focus on his work
You get permanent access to posts and a special distinction
You don't have to remember about the next payments
It's easier than you think :)

Donations 5

George Ene
George ene
15 €
Alina Ghita
10 €
10 €

Comments 2

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