To be able to pay off some debts and be able to buy a car that ours has broken down and we cannot afford to buy another one because we cannot take out any more loans as they do not grant them
To be able to pay off some debts and be able to buy a car that ours has broken down and we cannot afford to buy another one because we cannot take out any more loans as they do not grant them
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Original Italian text translated into English
Original Italian text translated into English
Good morning my name is Alessandro and I am almost 44 years old, my wife's name is Paulina and she is 36 years old. We have no children. We work in security. over the years we have taken on debts in order to get by, unfortunately due to the various emergencies that have happened we have had delays in payment. Now they no longer give us credit. (I would like to say that we are trying to sort things out a little at a time). My mother-in-law is at home with us because she cannot work for health reasons.
I also had in the house my father who after the death of my mother in 2013 came to live with us ( unfortunately at the end of May he passed away)
now the car has broken down and we can't afford to fix it or buy another one.
luckily we have our owner who is a golden person and has given us a hand many times.
When we get high bills, he sends us into a tailspin and we're forced to reschedule even those that accumulate with other instalments. We're holding our own with rent and bills and food and a few instalments.
Unfortunately, we're behind on the instalments of a loan made a few years ago... since we can't get a loan that lumps everything together in one instalment, we don't know what to do.
I really hope that someone can give us a hand.
thank you in advance for everything
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