id: kjuzy5

treatment of Marek Harasimowicz

treatment of Marek Harasimowicz

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Marek Harasimowicz was born in Zakopane. The Tatra Mountains have been his passion from an early age. Hiking in the mountains and caves became his second life. His second interest was mountaineering.

In the 1970s, he became a member of the High-Mountain Club in Zakopane. At that time, he climbed several interesting Tatra routes, including a new route on Kazalnica Mięguszowiecka, "Kant Wielkiego Zacięcia", with G. Chwoła, A. Michnowski and L. Skarżyński, Mnich "Kant Hakowy" with J. Muskat, Orłowski and Łapiński routes on Gankowa Gallery with J. Muskat and L. Skarżyński, the Kowlewski route on Młynarczyk with L. Skarżyński and many others.

In 1977, he took part in the Zakopane High-Mountain Club camp in the Italian Alps, where, together with M. Pawlikowski, L. Skarżyński and Z. Kiszela made the Bocalattego route on the east wall of Aig.della Brenva, as well as several others.

His climbing partners included G. Chwoła, A. Michnowski, L. Skarżyński, J. Muskat, M. Pawlikowski, Z. Kiszela, W. Poburka, W. Cywiński, W. Stoiński.

Marek is a man with a Big Heart. The last 15 years of his life have been spent working at the Addiction Centre. As a therapist, he gained recognition by saving many young and old people from losing themselves in addictions. He is now retired but continues to help people as a volunteer.

Unfortunately, 2024 is not an auspicious year for Mark. During one of his stays in the mountains while walking through the tall grasses, he felt something bite his calf. At first it was just two small wounds, which developed into erythema and then necrosis. Unfortunately, the necrosis is progressing at a very fast pace attacking more and more healthy tissue. For several months, all treatment has been ineffective and successive doctors have been helpless. Mark is at risk of having his limb amputated. In order to prevent this, a special therapy must be implemented quickly, which is very expensive.

Let's help Mark in this fight.

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