Aura and her mother need help
Aura and her mother need help
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Original Italian text translated into English
Original Italian text translated into English
We help Aura and her mum.
Aura is a troubled teenager who needs to continue her therapy in order to overcome the difficulties that prevent her from being a peaceful teenager and to be able to see the light in her future.
Let's help her by donating and sharing.
A young woman who has already known the harshness of life and who today suffers because of a society that has put her up against the wall.
She needs to overcome the insecurity and fears that hinder her.
For about a year now she has been following a support course and after a period of great suffering she is seeing the first significant improvements, without resorting to drugs and hospitalisation.
Obviously, she needs to continue and have specialist sessions, but her mother, with whom she lives, although she works, is facing a moment of serious economic difficulty for which she cannot cope even with ordinary expenses, let alone the extra and onerous ones.
The same mother, for the past few months, has been facing a health problem that requires visits, care and due attention and that risks making her invalid at the age of 50 with all the serious consequences of the case. The surgery itself may not solve the problem but contribute to making it worse. That is why, if necessary, she will also have to seek advice abroad.
The health problems that have arisen have destabilised the family's finances to the extent that they have undermined the family's serenity and prevented them both from receiving the necessary care.
The mother renounces her visits to give priority to her daughter.
A mother and her daughter need help. A mother who has always helped others when she could, at work and in life, and who today needs your help to smile at life again.
She thanks all those who would like to support this fundraiser
- by donating... and no matter how much (each donation will be an important part of a big help)
- by sharing as much as possible among your groups and friends.

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