id: jugtvz

collective help for sustenance/ Raccolta fondi

collective help for sustenance/ Raccolta fondi

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I'm Nico, I'm 23 years old and I've been working at a non-profit organisation since August which deals with the rehabilitation of young people with drug addiction problems, I'm asking for a little help from anyone for my sustenance for any eventual expenses given that I don't receive any salary apart from board and lodging, I plan to continue my work for the next 3 months so the amount requested refers to 3 months. I thank anyone who decides to support me in this adventure of mine. For those interested I can share more information. Thank you <3.

HI, I'm Nico, I'm 23 years old, I've been working at a non-profit organization since August that deals with the rehabilitation of kids with drug addiction problems, I'm asking for a little help from anyone for my sustenance for any possible expenses because i dont earning anything money from this work, I plan to continue my work for the next 3 months so the requested amount refers to 3 months. I thank everyone who decides to support me in this adventure of mine. For those interested I can share more information. Thanks <3.

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