id: jttmbp

We want to buy a house, we have a child with a problem

We want to buy a house, we have a child with a problem

Original Romanian text translated into English

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Original Romanian text translated into English

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We are the Ciobotaru family, we have two children, the eldest, 10 years old, had brain surgery, he was disabled for life (he can't speak, can't walk, couldn't eat alone). The little one is 6 years old is ok,but because of the lack of disabilities,we stayed on the street,the state took our children away,the older one is in a help centre,the younger one is in a foster home,it hurts my soul that they are not together,my wife and I went abroad to work,but to raise money for a house takes us a very long time,we have two more years until we are deprived of parental rights,at the moment we have managed to raise 10.000 euro,we need your help to make our family complete,the amount needed is 70.000 euro,to buy a house with everything necessary for the children,and to be able to offer them a better life. May God reward you for your kindness...Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts...

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