id: jk7mr5

Open my stress free business

Open my stress free business

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Hello dear friends..

My name is Ntoma Margarita and I leave in Greece.

Here the situation is very serius and bad for people like me that they work and leave from basic wages which is €713 per month. We struggle to make it through even with the bills and food during the month,especially for people like me who have any home of their own and we rent and they don't have family to support since we are in an orphanage until a certain age and then leave with our grandmother which she died. So now it's me and my sister alone.

I work from the age of 15 and I have done whatever job you can imagine..from sales up to cleaning houses I ve done it all. I m at the age of 40 and I find my self in a very difficult position after Covid starts cause at the same time my sister has develop an autoimmune desease,lupus with kidney damage..we try 3 and more years to find out with doctors,hospitals and so many difficulties to make it through, all this time since she cannot work anymore and I m helping her as much as I can in every way I can.

I'm tying to open a stress free coffeeshop with pharmaceutical cannabis(because I read the last months it has many benefits for our self and can help people with stress,behavior and mood)and other herbs as well that can help people with many problems through the benefits they offer. It was a thought because I always try to help people and I strongly believe that if you don't help your fellow human beings there is no meaning in this life. Whenever I can,in every way I could always helping people and animals.

This is how this idea was born, seeing the situation arround the world and the people leave in in a constant stressful situations and facing so many difficulties like me ,why not to open a business that people can they come with their pets if they have and have a stressful time,even if I achieve a small time of stress free every day life I will be happy.

Unfortunately I'm not a suitable candidate for the banks to give me a loan,even if I create new job positions and something like that not exists in Greece in the that the unemployment is in crazy rates and wants to help people I m not what banks say suitable for getting a loan.. I m just a number,like we all are for banks or financial institutions. I try everything,believe me.

I really need your help and support to raise the amount to create a better life for my fellow humans and a better future for me and my sister. I'm not complaining, the only important thing is our health ,for everything else if something you really want you'll find the way to do it. I always support chasing our dreams and never give up. Life isn't easy, but if we have each other on our journey we can succeed everything.

Thank you all of you taking the time to read me.

Wish all of your dreams come true and always be healthy.

I also want to thank the for giving us the upportunity and support our hope.☺️🙏

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