id: h38s38

We help homeless and needy children – every donation counts!

We help homeless and needy children – every donation counts!

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Hello friends!

Each donation goes directly to providing food, shelter and medical care. I have started a donation campaign to help homeless, needy children and provide medical support to those who do not have the opportunity to do so. My goal is to raise €15,000 to offer them a better future and hope.

Provide 3,000 hot meals to homeless people.

Provide 1,500 nights of shelter for those who need it.

Provide 300 medical visits to those in need.

Provide school supplies for 150 children so they can go to school and learn.


Why did I decide to start this campaign?

I decided to start this campaign because I saw in my community and in society at large how many people live in extreme conditions, without solid shelter and adequate food. Homeless and poor families need our help and support to get back on their feet and find stability.

I was inspired by personal stories of people who have lost everything but who have been able to rebuild their lives through donations and community support. I believe that every person deserves to live with dignity and safety, and that our collective contribution can make the world a better place.

My project focuses on supporting local people in need by providing them with food, clothing and medical support. My goal is to improve their quality of life and provide them with the support they need so they can move on with their lives.


Medical support: Many people do not have access to the medical care they need. Your donation can save a life by providing the treatment and medication you need.


As part of the project, I collect donations so that help reaches those who need it most. Every donation, be it large or small, helps us provide food, warm clothing, and the necessary medical support to those who are most vulnerable. Please help me with this mission and do your part so that members of our community can live with dignity and carefreeness.

Why is this important?

1.Homeless: Imagine you wouldn't have a place to call home. Many people live on the streets, cold and hungry. Your donation can give them warm shelter and a meal.

2.Children living in poverty need our help to get an education and live a healthy life. Your support will help them achieve a better future.

3.Human dignity: Every person deserves to live with dignity and safety. Your donation will help ensure that no one has to live on the street or without basic needs.

4.Long-term impact: Your support will not only help improve the current situation, but will also create long-term opportunities and solutions that will help people cope on their own

5.Improving health and well-being: Homeless and poor people are often faced with health problems. Your donation will help provide medical care and health care services.

6.Creating education and job opportunities: Your support will help provide education and training opportunities that help people find work and improve their quality of life.

7.Social Justice: Your donation will help fight social inequalities and ensure that everyone has equal opportunities in life.

8.Psychological support: Homeless and poor people also often need psychological support to cope with their situation. Your donation will help provide counseling and emotional support.

9.Crisis support: Many people become homeless or in poverty due to unexpected crises such as natural disasters or economic difficulties. Your support will help provide quick help and relief in crisis situations.

How can you help?

1.Donation: Every euro counts! Donations can be made through our campaign page.

2.Sharing: Share this campaign with your friends and family to reach more people.

Thank you for caring and helping to make the world a better place!

Charity: how effective is giving? (

Most Shocking Second a Day Video (

There are many homeless and needy children in our community who are in dire need of our help. Your donation will help provide food, shelter, and medical support to those who need it most. For example, 10€ helps to provide a warm meal for one child for the whole week.







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