id: kz9c8p

Fundraising for Childhood Autism

Fundraising for Childhood Autism

Original Hungarian text translated into English

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Original Hungarian text translated into English

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I am László, a 40-year-old father of two children!

My child has been diagnosed with childhood autism, and the treatment has become quite expensive lately!

I need to take him to speech therapy and small group sessions! Of course, privately, because the kindergarten does not deal with it! I feel they handle it differently than it should be!

We would spend the money on speech therapy and small group sessions!

During the week, we take them to different therapies such as speech therapy and small group activities to help them integrate!

This is quite costly as state provision is limited, so we rely on the private sector!

Thank you to the contributors for their contributions.


I am László, a 40-year-old father of two!

My child was diagnosed with childhood autism and the treatment has become quite expensive lately!

I have to take him to speech therapy and small group sessions! Privately, of course, because the daycare doesn't care! I feel like they handle it differently than they should!

We would spend the money on speech therapy and small group sessions!

We take her to different therapies twice a week such as speech therapist and group activities so she can integrate!

This is quite costly as state provision is limited, so that leaves the private sector!

Thanks to the staff for their contribution.


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