id: vddz6e

Buying a home to start a family with love of my life

Buying a home to start a family with love of my life

Cad a thiomsóidh tú dó inniu?
*Méid léirithe in euro bunaithe ar mheánráta ualaithe na síntiús a tugadh i ngach airgeadra. Le haghaidh tuilleadh sonraí tabhair cuairt freisin ar


Hi. My name is Dominik. I am originally Croatian and because of my very unfortunate past i had to escape from Croatia to look for a job to be able to support my mother. My mother and i have lost home and my mother and I was homeless when I was teenager and I was surviving by reparing old electronics and selling them to get money for food. Now I am working in Ireland as a chef where i have met love of my life. Now i am earning enough money to support my sick mother in Croatia. I don't want anyone to get the feeling of that to not have home and to be hungry so I am trying to save money to be able to buy a house and start a family so my kids never have yo worry about will they have home.

Níl aon tuairisc fós.

Níl aon tuairisc fós.


Níor chruthaigh aon duine bosca airgid don tiomsaitheoir airgid seo fós. Seans gurb é do bhosca airgid an chéad cheann!


gan aon síntiúis fós, bí ar dtús a bhronnadh!

Gan aon síntiúis fós, bí ar dtús a bhronnadh!



2500 carachtair
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

Gan trácht ar bith go fóill, bí ar dtús le trácht a dhéanamh!