id: uff5zn

New not broken farm equipment

New not broken farm equipment

Cad a thiomsóidh tú dó inniu?
Cruthaigh tiomsaitheoir airgid
*Méid léirithe in euro bunaithe ar mheánráta ualaithe na síntiús a tugadh i ngach airgeadra. Le haghaidh tuilleadh sonraí tabhair cuairt freisin ar


Would be great to have better farm equipment to work more efficiently . Spend less time repairing. Spend more time with family. Specifically i want to buy new bale wrapper to make silage , new rake wirh two rotors or at least wider then the one i have now( 2 meters wide) and perfect would be a tractor with front loader attachment ( thst would be most usefull because lots of work around the farm and in season when we prepare food for cows ..front loader would be biggest helper.)

If you're interested about my farm feel free to contact me..I'll explain all the story.

If someone donates ...Thank you so much!!!

Níl aon tuairisc fós.

Níl aon tuairisc fós.

Download apps
Íoslódáil an app soghluaiste agus tiomsaigh airgid le haghaidh do sprioc cibé áit a bhfuil tú!
Íoslódáil an app soghluaiste agus tiomsaigh airgid le haghaidh do sprioc cibé áit a bhfuil tú!

Boscaí airgid

Níor chruthaigh aon duine bosca airgid don tiomsaitheoir airgid seo fós. Seans gurb é do bhosca airgid an chéad cheann!


2500 carachtair
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

Gan trácht ar bith go fóill, bí ar dtús le trácht a dhéanamh!