id: jjtjyx

Help me to get out a difficult situation

Help me to get out a difficult situation

Cad a thiomsóidh tú dó inniu?
Cruthaigh tiomsaitheoir airgid
*Méid léirithe in euro bunaithe ar mheánráta ualaithe na síntiús a tugadh i ngach airgeadra. Le haghaidh tuilleadh sonraí tabhair cuairt freisin ar


Me and my brother started a construction business, everything was made in my name.

And we needed money to buy materials, car, etc…

Me in that time was to stupid to do things without think first, just because I trusted my brother.

Now im here, trying to start my life again with that absurd amount to pay.

Thats my story, i know there are betters options to help than I, but even if u help with 1€ i would be grateful.

Have a great day.

Níl aon tuairisc fós.

Níl aon tuairisc fós.


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Íoslódáil an app soghluaiste agus tiomsaigh airgid le haghaidh do sprioc cibé áit a bhfuil tú!

Boscaí airgid

Níor chruthaigh aon duine bosca airgid don tiomsaitheoir airgid seo fós. Seans gurb é do bhosca airgid an chéad cheann!


2500 carachtair
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

Gan trácht ar bith go fóill, bí ar dtús le trácht a dhéanamh!