Bosca airgid cruthaithe le haghaidh tiomsaithe airgid we want to have our roof repaired because it gets wet in many places and unfortunately I can't do it on my own, I work in many places in vain, thank you
A pénzesládám
A pénzesládám
Athlíonann an bosca airgid seo iarmhéid tiomsaithe airgid:
we want to have our roof repaired because it gets wet in many places and unfortunately I can't do it on my own, I work in many places in vain, thank you
Cruthaigh do bhosca airgid agus cruinnigh airgead le haghaidh
we want to have our roof repaired because it gets wet in many places and unfortunately I can't do it on my own, I work in many places in vain, thank you
Cruthaigh bosca airgid