Prints from behind the scenes

Prints from behind the scenes

Cur síos

We will send you printed pictures from behind the scenes with special thank you, signed by Gregory.

Donation & Thanks
You in credits
We will have your name in Burning Kisses video credits and YouTube description.
250 €
dar críoch
Donation & Thanks
Logo in music video's outro
We will have your logo in music video's credits described as special supporter.
1000 €
dar críoch

Níl aon tairiscintí eile ar an tiomsaitheoir airgid seo faoi láthair.

Prints from behind the scenes

Prints from behind the scenes

Prints from behind the scenes

100 €

dar críoch

Cur síos

We will send you printed pictures from behind the scenes with special thank you, signed by Gregory.

Eolas breise


, chuig an Eagraí teachtaireachta.

Á sheoladh

Loingseoireacht traidisiúnta ar chostas an díoltóra

Donation & Thanks
You in credits
We will have your name in Burning Kisses video credits and YouTube description.
250 €
dar críoch
Donation & Thanks
Logo in music video's outro
We will have your logo in music video's credits described as special supporter.
1000 €
dar críoch

Níl aon tairiscintí eile ar an tiomsaitheoir airgid seo faoi láthair.