id: 27ufw2

To pay bills while searching for a job

To pay bills while searching for a job

Cad a thiomsóidh tú dó inniu?
*Méid léirithe in euro bunaithe ar mheánráta ualaithe na síntiús a tugadh i ngach airgeadra. Le haghaidh tuilleadh sonraí tabhair cuairt freisin ar


Hi. My name is Fulvia. I have recently finished my ESL teaching course but its taking longer than expected to find a job. I am in desperate need of help as I have exhausted my savings while doing this course and will soon not be able to pay rent leaving my daughter and I homeless. I just need enough to get by for a couple of months while i keep applying for work. Im hoping someone can find it in the kindness of their heart to help us. I am desperate.

Níl aon tuairisc fós.

Níl aon tuairisc fós.



gan aon síntiúis fós, bí ar dtús a bhronnadh!

Gan aon síntiúis fós, bí ar dtús a bhronnadh!



2500 carachtair
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

Gan trácht ar bith go fóill, bí ar dtús le trácht a dhéanamh!