id: 85s5yr

Polish Red Cross - #EmergencyFloodRelief

Polish Red Cross - #EmergencyFloodRelief

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  • This morning, a helicopter delivered meals to the residents of Stronie Slaskie, who have been cut off from the world for several days due to damaged infrastructure. This is another form of rescue support for the region, which is struggling with the dramatic effects of the floods.

    At the same time, the Polish Red Cross (PCK) has secured the delivery of food packages for those working to strengthen the flood embankments in the Wroclaw sections of Marszowice 1 and Marszowice 2, where the fight against the oncoming flood wave is ongoing. The meals will be delivered as early as this afternoon. PCK rescuers are providing not only food, but also logistical support for the emergency services.



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Recent days have brought dramatic hydrological changes to the southern regions of Poland. The situation is evolving minute by minute. Rivers are rising rapidly, and intense rainfall, expected to continue through the next days, could lead to even greater destruction, as local authorities continuously report.


KMJ756PaFXCw6EFL.jpgThe Polish Red Cross, in collaboration with local crisis management teams, rescue services, and municipalities, is already preparing to provide aid to the most affected areas. We are organizing a fundraiser to collect funds that will be immediately used to purchase essential supplies and equipment. Among the top priorities is ensuring that those affected receive:

Food Packages: In the first phase of the relief effort, delivering food packages to individuals evacuated from the danger zones will be crucial.

Drinking Water: Damage to water infrastructure and contamination of water sources are common consequences of flooding. The Polish Red Cross is already preparing supplies of drinking water to be delivered where local sources have ceased to function.

Hygiene Kits: Flooding also brings a significant sanitary threat. The water flooding these areas is often contaminated, increasing the risk of disease. The Polish Red Cross is planning to provide hygiene kits, including cleaning agents, disinfectants, and essential hygiene products.

Dehumidifiers: After the emergency response phase, dehumidifying flooded buildings will be essential. Funds from this campaign will enable the purchase of dehumidifiers, which will help restore livable conditions for residents once the water levels recede.

Every contribution, no matter how small, makes a significant difference and can profoundly impact the lives of those who need it most right now. Join us in this mission to bring relief to those who need it the most. Your support can help turn this challenging time into a slightly more manageable situation.

 Thank you for your generosity and support.


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