id: fexrk3

Starting my own laser engraving business.

Starting my own laser engraving business.

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my name is Lorand , i love to create things to use my creativity to give something special to people i planned to start an engraving and laser cutting workshop but because i live in city an apartman not best suited for this i already bought some entry level laser engravers as you can see on the photos but i need more performant to be efficient at work alao need to get a little workshop where i can do all of this inated in my home. Im planning to get a garage and convert it to my dream workshop . For this i need some help cause alone my salary is only enoght to live and cant save up enoght to make the plans come true.

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Fashion • Women's accessories • Jewelry & Watches
Earrings and keychains
For your help i can give some earrings as gift.
10 €


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