id: eemyfa

Help a playful dog fight paralysis

Help a playful dog fight paralysis

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Samu, a 7-year-old Hungarian Puli has had a terrible time from January and on. He was a playful dog, always playing with his footballs, running amd barking all day long. But one day, he experienced terrible pain, he started to cry helplessly for a few seconds, many times a day. The vet had a suspicion of herniated discs in his spine, for five days he got steroid injections which helped a little for killing pain – but for not more than a day. At the fifth day, he suddenly stopped walking and moving – the local vet recommended an instant visit to the clinic of the veterinary university. After a late night examination, he was not let home. After several days and exams including MRI, ultrasound, CT and x-rays, nothing abnormal was found. Still no movement, happiness and barking, only melancholy, and uncertain prognosis.

His owner and friend, a Hungarian university student declared that nothing can happen to make him get put down, especially insufficient money. Meds, exams, and being in the hospital has costed 2,900 euros by that time, when my phone rang when the chief physician called with good news: they knew the diagnosys, myasthenia gravis. Which is a chronic autoimmune disorder that causes muscle weakness by disrupting the communication between nerves and muscles. It's finally cureable, but my funds are at the end, and I won't let my dog down at any cost. Further cure costs around 2000€, until he can come home, and I'd like to ask for your help in this.

Thank you very much in advance

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