id: dug77v

Start a renovate-LAK business

Start a renovate-LAK business

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*Amount expressed in euros based on the weighted average rate of donations made in all currencies. For further details also visit

Original Hungarian text translated into English

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Original Hungarian text translated into English

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Who am I?

I'm an enthusiastic and determined entrepreneur who wants to realise a dream that has long been on my mind. For me, entrepreneurship is not just a job, it's an opportunity to create something of value that can make life better for others.

What is my goal with fundraising and why is it important?

The purpose of my fundraising is to start my own business, which in the long run can grow into a sustainable and successful business. This would not only provide me with a livelihood, but also give me the opportunity to inspire and help others. It is important to me because it is the first step towards an independent and autonomous life in which I can achieve my goals.

I am grateful to see the donations:

Each donation fills me with immense gratitude and joy, as I know that without the support of others, it would be difficult to achieve my dream. Behind every donation I see the kindness and trust of people, and this gives me the strength to continue my journey wholeheartedly.

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There is no description yet.


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