id: dhuxdg

Cycling with Herosi.

Cycling with Herosi.

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Franek was a Hero whom we were fortunate to meet several years ago during his treatment in the Children's Oncology Department at the Institute of Mother and Child in Warsaw. 


Now his dad, brothers and his cousin are cycling for our patients almost across all of Poland!

All of this because Franek loved riding his bike so much that before he passed away he had prayed asking God to restore his health for at least one night. He wanted to go for his last cycle, to make the best of it and then, as he said, he could stay sick for the rest of his life.

Franek used to help everyone selflessly, generously and without any hesitation. So we are going with Franek to help and support other children fighting with cancer.

This is the poster Franek's brothers created for us while he was receiving the treatment in the hospital.


This is the route that Herosi will cover in 9 (!) days:

1. August 10: Krakow - Łażnia - Ispina

2. 11 August: Łażnia - Ispina - Baranów Sandomierski

3. 12 August: Baranów- Pulawy

4. 13 August: Pulawy - Góra Kalwaria

5. 14 August: Góra Kalwaria - Warsaw - Wyszogród area.

6. 15 August: Wyszogród - Włocławek

7. 16 August: Wloclawek - Bydgoszcz

8. 17 August: Bydgoszcz - Tczew

9. 18 August: Tczew - Vistula estuary (Sobieszewska Island) - Gdansk - Gdynia

More than 1,000 kilometers to go.

We are there with you and thank you for every donation that will contribute to the Foundation's account and help the young Herosi recover!

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Offers/auctions 3

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Created by Organiser:
Donation & Thanks
20km with Herosi.
Help us to cycle 20km and safely arrive at the finish line!

20 €

Sold: 3

Donation & Thanks
50km with Herosi.
Help us to cycle 50km and safely arrive at the finish line!

50 €

Sold: 3

Donation & Thanks
10km with Herosi
Help us to cycle 10km and safely arrive at the finish line!

10 €

Sold: 1



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Comments 2

2500 characters
  • JC
    John Carton

    Best of luck.
    Keep pushing this pedals.
    Michael & Anita Carton

    250 €
    Anonymous user

    Best of luck Pawel with your fundraiser. What a wonderful deserving cause. I wish you and the boys well and of course never forgetting your amazing brave little soldier, Franek. Sylvia Costello
