Small company-intention to start a firewood business
Small company-intention to start a firewood business
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Original Estonian text translated into English
Original Estonian text translated into English
Hello everyone!
I'm 37,divorced and the father of a six year old daughter. I'm currently doing construction work but as work has come up in every county, time for the baby is scarce!
I would like to start a firewood business as I could do this locally.I could be closer to the child and always available and not have to travel from one county to another in a hurry! At the moment, the child is staying with his own grandmother after nursery until I get back!
I am raising funds to participate in the RMK auctions to buy material to make firewood and for a mobile petrol powered sawmill to chop and split!
At the moment I have been doing small amounts with a chainsaw and axe on the weekends, but human strength and stamina are limited.
And as I am not without a heart, every autumn I would give firewood to the extended family, so that the room would still be warm during the cold season.
Thank you in advance to everyone who helps me to get closer to my dream!

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