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Original Italian text translated into English
Original Italian text translated into English
Hello everyone, I am Elvira a volunteer from Calabria AND I WORK WITH THE ASSOCIATION I PELOSETTI DI SILVANA.
I have 30 needy dogs that I have collected from the streets and put in my makeshift pens.
Last week two ladies who live near me contacted me asking for help for their dogs, I went to see and was faced with a terrible situation.
Dogs in pens without kennels, so soaked with water that had just rained, dogs in pens with chickens, dogs closed in the dark, full of mange, without vaccinations, not sterilised (which means more puppies if I don't sterilise the females at least), very thin, I had never seen anything like it in my life.
Plus today I recovered 3 puppies full of coccidia and took them to the vet, hopefully they will be saved.
The sterilisations here cost me 180 euros each, I have a debt with the vet of 1500 euros, plus the dogs need food, even for the puppies, I really don't know what to do anymore.
I ask for help from all of you, even a few euros could make a difference, I am really desperate, help me save these creatures.
Thank you

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