id: bbe74m

Purchase of a military ambulance for Ukraine

Purchase of a military ambulance for Ukraine

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The Famous Da Vinci Wolves brigade is well known to our group of female volunteers "Spiderwomen of Opole". These brave guys have never asked us for any support. This is the first time from the beginning of the war that they have asked for help, the purchase of a military ambulance for the armed forces of Ukraine.

This is a vital piece of equipment for the troops, and we want to show them our support by helping them in achieving their goal. This is an armored military ambulance, which will do a great job of evacuating the wounded from the front line of battle. So please, if you can, any help would be greatly appreciated and help save the lives of wounded servicemen.

Thank you to all those who can help support this cause, it will make such a difference to saving the lives of those fighting for freedom.

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