id: 9m6hkj

Chemotherapy in Germany for a dad who longs to be a role model for his little boy.

Chemotherapy in Germany for a dad who longs to be a role model for his little boy.

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Original Slovak text translated into English

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Original Slovak text translated into English

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Hi, my name is Tomas and I am a father of a wonderful 5 years old Maxik. I have always lived healthy, played sports, avoided bad things and lived life to the fullest. I thought this journey through life would be endless, until one moment.


In that moment, my world came crashing down. I asked myself, why ME? What have I done wrong in my life, or who have I hurt so much, only there is no answer to this! CANCER doesn't choose. In that moment I understood the true value of life, how every moment is important and precious. It's been a year now, a year full of pain and struggle to live. I can't help but fight for Maxie to see that Daddy is a hero and won't give up. It breaks my heart that at his early age he sees me like this every day, that I can't be a role model and support to him. I don't want him to have memories of me suffering and giving up. For a year I didn't ask for help and kept it a secret, I felt ashamed to ask for money for treatment. At this moment I am in the hospital and I am writing this story asking for help to win this difficult battle. I am waiting for treatment in Germany, I have already had a consultation, but unfortunately it is very expensive, I have already lost everything after a year of sick leave, for the cost of treatment. This way I ask for your help, I don't have much time, but thanks to you I have the possibility to prolong my life. Thank you for all your help and I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.

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Donations 1648


Comments 23

2500 characters
  • D

    Držím palce ❤️

    20 €
  • Karel Štětka

    Ze srdce přeju uzdravení, ať peníze pomohou kde mají 🇨🇿🥰

    10 €
  • A

    Veľa síl, nestrácajte nádej

    9 €
  • MH
    Marcela Holičová

    Držím moc silno palce aby tato zbierka mala šťastný koniec ❣️🍀
    Evidujem Vás už dlho preto tato správa bola o Vašej chorobe ma veľmi zasiahla až som neverila a taktiež mám podobne starého synčeka , posielame všetkú silu sveta 🍀🍀❣️

    20 €
  • MF
    Michal Fiala

    Držím palce 🤝

    20 €