id: 8234a4

For family operating expenses of mom Hanky and children Theuska, Lexik and Kristynky in support of their sick dad Tom

For family operating expenses of mom Hanky and children Theuska, Lexik and Kristynky in support of their sick dad Tom

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*Amount expressed in euros based on the weighted average rate of donations made in all currencies. For further details also visit

Original Czech text translated into English

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Original Czech text translated into English

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Hello, hello, my name is Lucie Blacká, formerly Kubečková, and I started this collection for my best friend Hanka Baumrtová Kučerová, whose husband Tomáš Baumrtová was diagnosed with acute leukemia from one day to the next (3.10.2024).

We all believe that Tomas, who is raising three children with Hanika, Lexik, Theuska and Kristyna, will fight bravely and we hope for a good ending, even though it is still a long way off.

It doesn't change the fact that treatment for this disease will be necessary and time consuming for both Tomas and his family. And none of us can say now how long the treatment will be.

For Tomáš and Hanka's family, this illness represents a significant loss of income in the family budget (about 2/3 of the income), and that is why I have decided to ask for your help.

Hanka is my best friend since college. I proudly witnessed her wedding to Thomas almost 15 years ago. And this year, Hannah went back to being my best man. That was in mid-September 2024, when no one knew Tomas and Hanicka's family's life would be turned upside down. At that time, Tom was just very hot at our wedding...

Our families have a long-standing friendship.

It breaks my heart that a family that's almost part of my family would have to go through something like this. But that's life. And you have to take situations as they come. And fight and stick together.

I have set the amount of the fundraising for about a year, during which, according to the medical reports, Dad will definitely be "out of commission", based on the expected family expenses. The fundraising goal is 40,000 EUR (the platform does not know the CZK). The amount includes the rent and running costs of a household of five and the dog Cormac.

I will be glad if you join me and contribute with me.

Not Tom, he is a fighter and he will just win this battle.

Not Hannah, who would never ask for help because she's a hero and her powers seem inexhaustible.

But contribute to the operations, the ordinary functioning of the children with their needs, their clubs and their routines, that is, the functioning of the family so that they don't have to worry about anything else...anything that is completely marginal under the weight of their dad's acute leukemia.

If this form of help doesn't suit you, you can support Hanicka's family through the purchase of her artwork. Hanka has made a solid and good name for herself in the graphic design field, with her work focusing on several topics, in short: greyhounds, weddings and supporting creatives:

Wedding Design:

Greyhound World:

Creator Support:

FB profile: Soleille - graphics and printed materials for creators

Thank you.

Because every help counts.


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Donations 80

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15 €
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50 €
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200 €
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50 €
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200 €
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300 €
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50 €
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20 €
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20 €
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Comments 1

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  • N&
    Nick & Darja

    Stay strong ❤️ Nick & Darja
