id: 7xcc2w

one-year rehabilitation

one-year rehabilitation

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I’m Kajtek!

I’m a smiling little man with huge potential. I’m 2 years old. I can sit on my own and crawl, which used to be an enormous challenge for me. Despite the hearing loss in both ears, my parents could finally hear my first words. You can share loads of exciting and unexpected moments with me because I had kept my secret throughout entire pregnancy, which eventually turned out to be quite messy. My mum’s face on the second day after my birth was priceless. She likes surprises, but she didn’t like this one very much. Down syndrome! These words sounded like a terrible verdict, as we are always afraid of the unknown. This actually was my plan because I knew that my parents would work it out quickly. After all, it’s a waste of time to regret, fear or be sad. Every day, they fight to make me as independent as possible. We’re never bored. We visit various doctors very often, attend rehabilitation stays and other activities that support my development. An extra 21st chromosome costs us a lot, not only a lot of dedication, work or commitment, but above all, it costs lots of money. For a long time, my parents had been convinced they could handle it themselves, but the reality turned out to be completely different. That is why, even the smallest help is a great opportunity for me, and for my parents it means one worry less. So, if you want to support me and my parents, please donate 1,5% to my online account at the Fundacja “Serce dla Maluszka”.

If you can’t do it this way, you can go to my online account at the foundation’s website and donate a symbolic penny there. 

Thank you!

Your Kajtek

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